Skeleton Knight V5 Chapter 3

Silver here,

Midterms next week so it’s up in the air if I can get a release out, depends on how much of my brain hasn’t been turned to mush once it’s over. I’ll be sure to to strap Namorax to his editing chair just in case. Have to be at work a few minutes after posting.


6 comments on “Skeleton Knight V5 Chapter 3

  1. Seinvolf says:

    Thank u always for ur great work…


  2. Soyokaze says:

    Thanks for the chapter. Good luck with midterms!


  3. Thanks for the chapter!


  4. redcolonel says:



  5. For the banner since the web is “Uselessno4” place a destitute with a worn billingual dictionary and a worn light novel and a note book (not the computer, the book). With a big 4 on his shirt maybe? and since you acept donations place a hat with some coins next to him


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